Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The more things change...

Today, I was looking at things I wrote five years ago for News From The Future, and was struck by how little has changed...

September 24, 2008:
Following a drugs test, former sprinter Menzies Campbell has been stripped of the leadership of the Liberal Democrat Party.

"We knew something was up when he made his big speech at the conference last week," said former leader Charles Kennedy. "Questions were asked when he finished in 9.6 seconds, compared to his previous personal best of 63 minutes, 45 seconds."

This week, Justin Gatlin became the latest high-profile athlete to fail a drugs test. Menzies Campbell has become the leader of the Liberal Democrats, although it didn't take a genius to predict that in 2001.

Add these two facts together and bingo - the news from the future I wrote in the past is the news of today.

Even worse, I found the following:

October 7, 2029:
As The War Against Terrorism (TWAT) entered its 29th year...

Some people thought at the time that this was a criticism of the "invasion" of Afghanistan, but I simply feared that the "war against terror" would never be won...

Silly me!


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