Friday, January 12, 2007

Rolling Stony

December 24, 2012: Veteran guitarist Tony Blair has denied that inviting the British PM Robin Gibb to his holiday home over Christmas was a cynical ploy to boost flagging sales of his music - and put himself up for an honour.

"If I wanted a knighthood, I'd buy it like everyone else," said the Ugly Rumours front man.

Sir Tony yesterday...

Ugly Rumours?

December 23, 2012: British Prime Minister Robin Gibb has come under fire after spending Christmas at the home of Tony Blair, the lead guitarist with the rock band Ugly Rumours.

“I started a joke, which started the whole world crying,” said Gibb yesterday, “but I didn't see that the joke was on me…”

Top 10 Ex-BG PM (above)...